SegelfliegerWe can look back to a broad experience within the area of transaction reporting accross all relevant asset classes (RMBS, CMBS, CDO/CLO, Leasing, ABCP and private placements) because we have set-up the European market leader for securitisation investor reporting as well as an ABS analysis platform covering 80% of all public securitisation deals in Europe.


Investor reporting always comes up with a conflict of goals between reporting breadth, supply of loan-level-Daten to the European Data Warehouse, requirements for the underlying infrastructure, available time frame, flexibility and costs that firstly requires to find the best fitting approach. Besides these strategic questions the most important success factor for investor reporting that really generates value for all users is the combination of the following dimensions:

  • detailed professional understanding of the asset class including the describing data-elements
  • understanding of the information requirements of investors on an aggregated level including the calculation of the required figure from the detailed data
  • experience with banking systems, bank data, bank organisations and the technical limits as well as creative solution competences that can be adapted to the individual organisation
  • for securitisation deals the knowledge of the various structural elements (waterfalls, credit enhancement instruments, eligibility criteria and selection rules, etc.) is essential


Beside our own consultancy expertise regarding all reporting and transaction execution issues we have a broad overview about the IT-solutions providers within the particular sub-segment and can support the choice for the best partner. For specific sub-segments we are cooperating with the designated market leader.

Your Contact

+49 (152) 535 947 55

martin.damaske (a)